My prices

Right now, I offer 3 different payment methods. But I'm always open for suggestions!


I work for my fixed hourly wage and I'll send you a bill, when we are done. Easy peasy.

This is a really good solution for logo design, small productions, a video or two.

If you are in doubt of how many hours we have to use, you can always send me an email and I will return with a no-cost offer

10 Hour Card

The card could be a good idea, if your team has alot of small tasks, over a longer period.

You can also use the 10 hours as "graphic support" if you got a design guide, but need someone to work out the materials for fx. social media profiles and a quick video. Meetings will not my included in the 10 hours

Klip kan ikke blive refunderet.



If you have a bigger project, we can chat and share information so I can give you an estimated offer that fits your needs.

Jeg kan fungere både som tilkalder, produktionsassistent, grafisk assistent og meget andet! Projektansættelse er smart, hvis i har behovet for en grafiker men ikke har lyst til at ansætte en fastansat.


A crash-course in Adobe

You already have the design guide, you have the programs, but you dont know how to use it.. Say less!

I can help your team getting to know all the Adobe programs, so your work becomes easier for you. I also offer telephone support afterwards

I'm living abroad, so the education will be online

If you want a card with more hours, feel free to contact me

Read: All the prices are out from danish taxes and the danish course, since I'm currently paying danish taxes aslong as I live in Denmark

Read about terms of trade and personaldata

The 3 best things, about working with a freelancer


I can't drink your coffee or eat your snacks, so you only have to think of the price of the product.

And you don't have to think about all the "official" stuff that comes with a new coworker, and it's cheaper for you and your budget in the long run


Lidt lige som Batman – så arbejder jeg når Danmark sover. Jeg arbejder primært i jeres eftermiddag/aften, men med den fordel at i har helt frisk materiale når i vågner. Men jeg er ikke bleg for et tidligt morgenmøde heller.

No bullshit!

I'm honest to the bone! I take much pride in being very honest with my clients, if it prices, hours or anyting else!

… Tror jeg nok.
